What is the best part of your job?
I love seeing kids put on their first pair of glasses. They always look so excited like they’re seeing a brand new world for the very first time. That look makes everything else worth it.

In Regard To Your Career, What Are You Currently Doing and How Did You Get There?
I am currently an ABO certified optician. I generally do scheduling, pretesting and I am working to expand my knowledge of ordering and billing. I got my ABO certification after a 6 month job training course which prepared me to take a nationally respected exam.
Where Does Your Name Come From and Does It Have Any Meaning?
My name is a unique combination of my parents’ names, so in a way my name means unity.

Do You Have Any Nicknames?
So many! Most people have a hard time with pronouncing my name so nicknames are a frequent compromise. Typically I go by Lee, especially in professional settings and initial introductions.